
Escape Industries
Based in Minneapolis, Minnesota

Founding date:
July 15, 2014


Press / Business contact:





Based in the frigid American North, Escape Industries builds its games with the pride of people too stubborn to fail. With loving care, we extract every pixel that goes into our games from core samples of the Ojibwe permafrost. Pixels in hand, we head home, roll up our sleeves, snowshoe around the moose in our backyard, and get to work.


Assembling the Team

ESCAPE INDUSTRIES is three friends — Lane Davis, Stephen McGregor, and Charles McGregor — who joined forces in 2014 to make games. Lane and Stephen met in 2010 through the University of Minnesota’s Glitch Gaming student organization. Lane met Charles in 2012, and geeked out over Charles’ game, Glitch in the System. Stephen and Charles met even earlier, as they are brothers. Over the summer of 2014, the three met frequently to test Lane’s board game, Triumph. On several occasions, Stephen or Lane voiced dissatisfaction with their chosen life paths. Stephen was earning a degree in mechanical engineering, and felt stuck in a career that did not inspire him. Lane had been teaching for two years, and felt similarly. Charles was born awesome, and felt no such regret — he’d already been making games for years by this point. Lane and Stephen felt like they needed a change. A way out. An escape. An ESCAPE INDUSTRIES.

Story Behind Fingeance

We made Fingeance because we loved the excitement of co-op action games like Jamestown and Metal Slug, but wanted a deeper, more strategic experience. Where games in this genre often encourage replay by demanding perfectionistic bullet-dodging, we reward resourcefulness, creativity, and teamwork. In this shoot-em-up, you might win by freezing bosses in place, building an army of drones, or turning one player into an invincible wall. Different upgrades are available each playthrough, so your team will need to think hard and make the most of what you’re given.



Alpha Update 3 YouTube

Alpha Gameplay YouTube


download all screenshots & photos as .zip (3MB)
Screenshot 8.png
Screenshot 5.png
Screenshot 9.png
Screenshot 6.png

There are far more images available for Escape Industries, but these are the ones we felt would be most useful to you. If you have specific requests, please do contact us!

download logo files as .zip (223KB)

Awards & Recognition

    Development Blog
    Follow us as we develop the game! You can check it out at http://www.escapeindustries.net/.

    Team & Repeating Collaborator

    Lane Davis
    Design, Programmer

    Stephen McGregor
    Design, Programmer

    Charles McGregor
    Artist, Musician

    presskit() by Rami Ismail (Vlambeer) - also thanks to these fine folks